Hi, it is my blog. Welcome to new followers.
My first term was interesting. In first time, in generally I had good califications in my subjects. But I had a problem with Statistics IV; I failed in the second time this subjects. It is a very bad problem, but I very optimist.
In my personal life has occurred some good things, but also bad things. Finally I though that I am very comfortably with my life actually, and I'm a really happy person.
In this second term, I have very many academic activities, but I am motivated. For example, I participate in “Anuario de Investigación Estudiantil” (students research yearbook), Assistantship of Sociology of the organizations, elective in Anthropology, and my workshop of research.
Finally, I hope that this semester is very good in comparation with the others.
David there are many mistakes and you need to solve them!!!
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