Education, education, education… it is an old issues in chilean society. The Chilean society is the most inequality society around the world and his education system too.
But, why education system reproduces the social inequality? Because exists structural conditions that hold up equality of
opportunities to poor people and riches. The rich people can pay

quality of education, but the poor people can´t pay to decent education. Then the rich people have a good profession and good job, and they continue being favoured. However, the poor people don’t to go to university and have bad education and bad jobs, and they continue being the losers.
So, what is the role of the State in education? I think that the State it has to provide the right to education for everybody. Therefore, the State has to provide a quality public education for the people that can’t pay. Consequently, the State should take care of it and developed the state universities. In addition, the state universities should are free with equality access.
Besides, the Piñera’s government thinks privatisation will impose in our state university system. But, the privatized education system not is a solution at the big problem; on the contrary, these reforms were deteriorating more the inequality system.
Good David, let's talk next class!!
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